By easteryegg - 06/04/2013 00:13 - United States - Rensselaer

Today, at the store, I noticed a girl eyeing a chocolate bunny. Her mom refused to buy it, saying they didn't have enough money. She started crying, so I decided to make her day and offered to buy it for her. Her mom reacted by slapping me across the face and calling me a "pedo." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 692
You deserved it 8 601

easteryegg tells us more.

easteryegg 8

Op, here. I'm fifteen years old and am absolutely not a pedo. I am a boy and thought that I was doing something good for the girl. All of the comments about healthy eating habits are not true, the woman was buying a lot of candy, but wouldn't let the girl have the rabbit. Idk why, she reminded me of my little cousin and I decided to buy it for her. The mother did keep the rabbit, though, so I don't know why she lashed out at me :/

Top comments

stevenJB 25

Why're complete douche bags becoming parents?!

Oh my god, some people don't know what being kind, and considerate is.


wolfmankayl 4

For slapping she deserves to be slapped back twice or twice as hard, but for calling someone a "pedophile" she ought to be publicly (televised) flogged 40 lashes, apologizing for making such an accusation lightly between each stroke, all of which should be delivered by Ichiro Suzuki. How I wish I were the king of society, I would fix things right up.

stew514 1

It was a nice gesture, but if a parent tells a kid they can't have something for whatever reason you should probably respect that in the future. Or at least ask the mother if it's alright first.

There are just too many "what ifs" possible in this situation but I wouldn't say YDI in terms of being slapped and insulted in such a manner. Yes, OP could've approached it differently but there are better ways to respond as well. Also, what kind of example is that for her daughter?

It's nice to see you have a heart OP, shame the mother is an idiot.

**** you lady! Sorry you're to broke to buy a ******* chocolate bunny.

miyaviichan 27

I'm cynical because of douchebag parents like this. God forbid anyone try to do anything nice for you ever.

missd420 16

Remember when bring a nice person wasn't flirting? Pepperidge Farm remembers.