By voltumna - 29/04/2009 12:38 - United States

Today, at 4 AM, I locked myself out of my apartment. After calling friends in vain, I decided to just sit on the doorstep and wait for someone to come in. I sat for 10 minutes before a homeless man insisted threateningly that I move. I was kicked off my own front doorstep by a homeless man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 690
You deserved it 7 473

voltumna tells us more.

As the OP, a few extra points: I'm female, he was about a foot taller than me, I'd come home from an 8 hour shift, and I called the cops once I'd moved down the street to a safe distance. If there had been people around, I'd have stood up to him, but I didn't want to add mugging to an already shitty day. But, at #29, I'll totally try that next time!

Top comments

You should have triple roundhouse kicked him. It works on most homeless guys, basically what you do is take 5 steps back so you're about 2 metres away from them. Then you press right, right, up, circle, triangle, L1, circle, L2. Good luck!

derailed 1

YDI if you actually listened to him


...and you decided to listen to said homeless person because...??

If you had your phone on you, you should have called a locksmith and also the cops