By dannydane - 27/11/2017 21:45

Today, after not being active on Instagram in over two years, I was broken up with by my fiancé for following a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 983
You deserved it 552

dannydane tells us more.

dannydane 9

Take this in. You ready for this? A meme page. Memes. A guy just so happened to run it.

Top comments

I have a feeling that wasn't the REAL reason. Was it just a man, or was it an ex-boyfriend, or your boyfriend's boss? I need more info!

Sounds like a made up reason. If that's his real reason, I'd say you dodged a bullet.


Can you blame him? Who isn’t afraid of ‘Slender’man?!

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PenguinPal3017 19

Are you from the 1700s? What's the point of commenting on f my life, do you get paid for it?

Yes I did actually and because I can comment. So what IS the point in following people on social media?

dannydane 9

Do you not have friends, musicians you look up to, video game companies you like? Something?!

I follow a few people who aren't my friends, because they provide information (a reporter I trust), amusing quotes (a comedian), and thought provoking links (an activist), for a few examples. I can imagine people following musicians in order to keep aware of tour dates, or following actors directors or authors to be aware of when they release something new.

Thanks that was nice of you to say that

I have a feeling that wasn't the REAL reason. Was it just a man, or was it an ex-boyfriend, or your boyfriend's boss? I need more info!

dannydane 9

Take this in. You ready for this? A meme page. Memes. A guy just so happened to run it.

If that’s true, don’t bother to try and get him back. Life married to someone who wants to be that controlling over your contact with men would be awful.

Sounds like he was looking for an excuse. Boy bye. Sounds like you dodged a bullet.

ohsnapword 21

Dodged a bullet there. I'm sure the next girl he suckers into a relationship will find the cage cozy.

Sounds like a made up reason. If that's his real reason, I'd say you dodged a bullet.

sumocj 14

Were you literally following him?

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

And cue the violins! I’m waiting for the “what an arse! You deserve better girl!” Comments to coming flooding in like a tsunami of people who care WAY too much.

onceuponatime456 16
Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

Why not? Being a dick could be lots of fun!

Just because you have one, doesn't mean you have to be one

Lobby_Bee 17

By follow, you meant follow him home?

tf you think guys want you to follow other guys? you women do the same to us. you deserved it.

Suaria 38

You shouldn't be so controlling over who your partner interacts with. It is called trusting your partner.

It was a meme page ran by a guy, not a guy who was posting nudes. Big difference.

Yikes, just imagine being married to that freak... joint credit and savings, maybe a car & house together, maybe pets or kids... very hard to disentangle yourself at that point. But a possessive, short fused partner is definitely a partner you're gonna leave, sooner or later, harder or easier. Be happy it happened while he was still just a fiance.

onceuponatime456 16

Sorry but look at this as a bullet you have dodged. If he is jealous then you do not need him in your life. Do NOT forgive this self-centered of piece of shit, he is probably cheating on you!