By sleepy - 03/01/2011 02:58 - Norway

Today, after a two week holiday, I'm returning to work exhausted. I had nightmares about work every single night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 687
You deserved it 3 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have nightmares about school sometimes...

if you have a job that is so bad you have nightmares might be time to look for something alittle less stressful


wow this shouldn't even be on here. get over it

same here. except its school (high school)... should I do home school? lol

Jenrees94 0

Sucks! I've had that same experience with university. A couple have people have suggested you consider looking for another job, and I think they might be right. At least try to figure out what it is about this one that's stressing you out so much -- your workload, your boss, your coworkers, one specific project, etc. Maybe if you can find a specific cause you can see if there's something you can do about it.

kellyskindakool 5

that was probably the worst fml I've ever read.

I know what that's like, I hate my job too

sucksfoyou 0