Take a hike

By Anonymous - 01/05/2016 17:19 - United States

Today, I went on a camping trip. I already had a bad back, and then the guy in charge took us on a hike. My shoes were too small, and now I'm hobbling around with a bad back and foot. Every time I limp, it hurts my back, but if I walk normally, it hurts my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 386
You deserved it 5 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steffi3 40

If you you have all those, next time maybe stay home?


YDI for going with a bad back on top of not having proper gear.

Try to walk normally, you're back supports your whole body and if you injure it more you will not be able to move

grogers311 20

Did it take a long time for the wahmbulance to get to the campsite?

ydi for going with a bad back and small shoes

I don't get why you went on a camping trip. you obviously were not prepared. hiking is pretty normal when out camping. and why would you wear shoes that are too small? you seem like a whiner.

wrenavery90 12

I'm not understanding why you'd go camping with shoes that are too small. It makes no sense to me.