Suspicious activities

By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 02:24 - United States

Today, I was going home with the tomato plant I just bought in my cup holder. The smell of it was filling the car and I love the smell so I picked it up and took a wiff. A few moments later I got pulled over. Apparantly, the cop saw me sniff it and thought I was smelling a marijuana plant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 558
You deserved it 8 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fun fact, if you set fire to a tomato plant, it actually DOES smell like pot. Yes, I like to burn things.


How is it understandable at all? Who just drives around smelling pot plants? Cops can be downright retarded.

Oh no, and then he saw it was a tomato plant and sent you on your merry way. You poor thing!

cantth1nk0fnam3 3

why would you stiff a tomato while driving. dumbass

Wow, I wish the police would be more strict about marijuana around where I go to school - swarms of kids, many of whom I know, stand around smoking marijuana, tobacco, and worse. There's several police officers on every block within a fairly large radius of the area... They threaten to arrest us for loitering on streets that are clearly public, but not one thing is said about smoking...

Well so what? He would probably realize it wasn't one after he saw it, so you wouldn't get arrested. Unless you actually did have weed in your car as well, this isn't a FML

Not really a FML, but congrats on your new plant ! :D

rakhil11 7 what? and XD #25!!! lol

#31 Takran...stop being a d*ck. It doesn't matter if the guy lives outside of the US (which he does btw), no need to be a douche because you know all about drug culter. #30 - 420 is the law enforcement code for illegal drug use. Being that marijuana is the most popular and most accessible of illegal drugs, April 20th (4/20) is an quasi-official pot smoking day in the U.S. But being a d*ck is year-round celebration for some people.