So romantic

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized the only reason my boyfriend is dating me is because he has a pimple fetish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 311
You deserved it 5 354


Blondechickk445 0

gross....!? you can prob find someone way better than him :)

that's some seriously sick stuff I gagged when I read this how can u deal with somthin like that honestly JUST DOWN RIGHT NASTAY

BaileyBabyBear 6
NoFukinway 2

there is noting to say to that other then drop the freak and run while you still can

I know I'm going to get a bunch of dislikes for this because everyone is saying it's gross. I don't have a fetish for pimples, as in I get turned on or do it for sexual reasons. But I absolutely love popping pimples, mine or my partners, anyone's really. The bigger the better. It gets me all excited (non sexually), and I get obsessed if I can't pop it. Its a strange addiction I have to pick and pop anything I can, and my partner dislikes it to an extent. I suppose there is no reason to say all this. :x

jesusSGV626 0

I don't even think that should be legal-_________- #Dirty lmao

justcallmezombie 0

wtf ur bf has issues n is nasty

Stinjaaaa 0

that's so so so gross .... but maybe he'll become a dermatologist or something and make lots of money :P you can say you helped him get there !