Self report

By Anonymous - 25/05/2009 14:55 - United States

Today, I snuck out of my house in the middle of the night. I ran into my dad carrying wine into another house. I didn't assume he was cheating until he saw me and said, "I won't tell if you don't tell, please don't tell your mother." FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 024
You deserved it 5 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be_happy1 0

Wow that sucks, you should definitely tell your mom.


#90 i dont think that finding out your own father is cheating on your mom is not a suitable punishment for sneaking out. Its the fact that the dad is cheating on his mom is so worthy of FYL

nooneelse 7
amb22 0

you should talk to your dad about it and tell him to confront her about it. honestly, if you tell her, your dad could get really upset at you and break any trust with him, but then again she needs to know, in order to save what is left of their marriage.

Uhm..anyone saying to tell the mother... EVER THINK THEY WERE BOTH SNEAKING OUT FOR A REASON!?!?! Perhaps the mother is a huge bitch and yells and hits them..maybe before jumping to conclusions and giving "advice" to should learn more of the situation. Given the limited information here..I would say...DO NOT BASE ANY KIND OF JUDGMENT OFF WHAT THESE RETARDED ***** SAY. Oh. I thought I should say that I ran out of cigarettes and it is making me quite irritable. Sorry.

xyzstephzyx 0

.. or because the mom just doesn't want her out late [as most are] and they were like "i'm outta here"... like.. most people I know. FYL. You are telling, right?

g3t0p0psicl3stik 0

Wow, Blackmail your dad. All ima say :)

#67, That is a couple's therapy statistic. How many couples with great relationships go to therapy? That statistic is beyond biased and therefore your point is null and void. So, "Go eat shit". And #97, when you ASSUME you make an ASS out of U and ME. People judge based on what was told. I think that if the wife was abusive, this wouldn't be posted somewhere where people would read it, as it wouldn't be really FML-worthy. So don't go digging into information that was never there.

Firstly, just because some journals deam cheating as 'common' does not make it 'normal' or 'ok.' What are these so called statistics that state at least 50% of marriages have cheating involved, jut because it is printed in a journal does not make it fact, these studies are based on studying 100-200 people that are supposed to represent the multi million living in a country. Therefore, you must take everything you read with a dash of salt and learn to stick with your morals instead of accepting what is written in academic papers and thus lowering your standards. As to the OP, I'd tell, no one disserves to be cheated on, especially by their significant other, that is among the worst betrayels. They say everything happens for a reason, now that you have this information, you should use it.