Not a morning person at the best of times

By shouldhavestayedinbed - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my doorbell rang while I was still in bed. I leapt out and immediately got a severe cramp in one leg, then, staggering around trying to throw some clothes on, I scraped the other leg badly enough to draw blood. When I got to the door there was nobody there, just a parcel on the doorstep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 685
You deserved it 2 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was there at least something good in the parcel?

That sucks. Hopefully it wasn't that bad and it'll heal soon!


And the parcel giggled and said..... "Hi."

How the uk felt after the brexit If it was a person

Hahahahahshahhashhsgbkink kddnkck k idk. China

heatherrr17 19

I get calf cramps at night sometimes, those are horrible

lksdliz 9

Happens to me all the time: I work upstairs in my home office and when the doorbell rings I have to gimp across to the stairs and then SLOWLY ride my "stair chair" down to get to the front door. (I have MS, so I walk super slow and can't do stairs on my own) Meanwhile both my dogs are barking their heads off and I'm yelling "Hold on, I'm coming!". Then it ends up being a delivery of paperclips or something equally stupid...But I've not yet bloodied myself getting to the door.

Jachin357 28

Talk about a rough start to the day! Sorry OP!


Yay! Maybe it's those socks you ordered!

Now imagine if the parcel had a first aid kit.