Not a great start

By Durrrrrr - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I went to a "party" with the boy whom I'm interested in. It was the first time I met his friends. Turns out he and all his friends are hardcore Christians who don't drink and are celibate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 714
You deserved it 11 938

Top comments

macfluffers 0

...I'm so confused. You seem disappointed! As if you believe that alcohol and sex are what make a person interesting or something like that. If that's what you wanted, then you should have just bought a ***** and a six-pack.


Haha, most christians are brainwashed. Organized religion is such a silly thing.

sweetheartslim 0

Seriously? I would kill for a single, abstinent, Christian boy! I don't know what's wrong with you!

hoodyNOT2shoes 0

Yeah! I know this guys who isn't a hardcore Christian but recently had been a Christian!!!! He's such a dick!!!!! I always want to kick em where the sub won't shine!

bernie5704 0

138 - I wish I could I could give this a thumbs up...a million times

A lot of people are good people they give to charity not drinking and having sex is ehh whatever

Christians are brainwashed dumbasses. If you think about it, the bible says everything thats bad and the things that you have to do to end up going to a place called "heaven" which you don't even know exists.

You got celibate and abstinent mixed up, celibate means no marriage or sex

megapeyt 17

I'm what most people would call a pretty conservative Christian. For those who can't/won't/don't want to give up sex, alcohol, and having fun, I highly recommend your local Presbyterian church. They tend to be known as "the frozen chosen" but find one that isn't part of the pres. Church of America, and you've usually found yourself a gold mine. OP, tough luck on that guy. My advice; find someone who isn't quite the bible thumper but not all the booty humper ;)