
By Nancy - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after being at summer camp for two weeks, my parents never showed up to take me home. A counselor had to drive me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 703
You deserved it 3 200

Top comments

Well, you could have talked with him on the way home if he was a cool counselor.

Butter_Knife 0

OP should have ran away and joined the circus. With the money that he would have earned by working at the circus they could have hired a professional hitman, who then could have killed OP's parents. ....atleast that's what I would have done.


I was the person who drove him home >_

Vampierjazz2010 0
Everstang 0

Perchance the camp is Camp Dark Waters or CDW?

Modern parents??? They don't even know their responsibilities. Why do some people refuse to accept that life does change when u get a kid, you life no longer remains yours but for your child... We got to accept this as a fact.

missalice0306 19

Trust me OP, I know how that feels. I've always had to get a ride back home from camp because my dad never wanted to come pick me up. He told me that he wasn't going to drive all the way 'up those damn hills' to my camp just to pick me up :( No, I still haven't and will not forgive him for those times.

TallMist 32

Honestly, you shouldn't. If he does it every time, he's ignoring you with intent, making him a horrible dad.