Live from the lounge

By Jake - 10/02/2023 08:00 - United States

Today, I was supposed fly from NOLA to Philly. Being a good roommate, I decided to get a noon-time flight so my roommates wouldn't need to get up early. Then I found out that they were also taking separate vacations, and leaving at 5am. Now I'm stuck in the airport till noon and I arrive in Philly at 7pm. I'm also broke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 303
You deserved it 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean that sucks but I can’t help but feel like a discussion prior to buying tickets would’ve helped.

majestic09 12

It sounds like OP needed the roommates to drive them to the airport…


I mean that sucks but I can’t help but feel like a discussion prior to buying tickets would’ve helped.

Battousai124 7

Why the hell would they have to get up early if you are leaving early, are their sleep schedules somehow tied to you getting up or something?! And why did you leave for the airport so early... The hell?!

majestic09 12

It sounds like OP needed the roommates to drive them to the airport…

You won't be broke for long. Just become a pickpocket at the inevitable Eagles Super Bowl victory parade. Also, sell bootleg merch like jerseys that say Patrick Go Homes! Fly, Iggles, fly!

If you're broke, why you spending money on a plane ticket for a vacation? How were you gonna pay for food and stuff once you got to your destination? Did you put any thought into this?