Just take the W

By Anon - 22/04/2023 03:00

Today, I want to share my weightloss success but I have no one to celebrate with. My husband says, "It's because you have so much to lose" and my friends all have too much going on to take notice. Celebrating in silence that I'm in the 150's. Healthy feels isolating and lonely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 900
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mel4ssa 5

Me too. Congratulations 🎉

Woot! Congrats! Huge thing to do for yourself. Celebrate by planning a hiking trip, or buying a new bike, or take that horse riding vacation on a dude ranch Celebrate in a way YOU want to celebrate. But do it for you. Not any one else


mel4ssa 5

Me too. Congratulations 🎉

Over time your friends and relatives will notice and you will feel good that they noticed without being prompted… We all all have things that are more important to us than those around us. Sometimes you have to just learn to celebrate your own accomplishments in an appropriate manner… My wife sometimes struggles with her weight like many of us. She has repeatedly found WW works for her. I encourage her while still being realistic. In her case she tends to reward herself by wearing clothes she couldn’t fit into before… I was on WW myself long ago and I have struggled with my weight over much of my life. It’s not easy, I know. You are still you no matter what the size or weight, but it’s healthier for your body to live a bit lighter.

Woot! Congrats! Huge thing to do for yourself. Celebrate by planning a hiking trip, or buying a new bike, or take that horse riding vacation on a dude ranch Celebrate in a way YOU want to celebrate. But do it for you. Not any one else

I understand your pain and you have my sympathy, but just remember to keep up the good work you deserve it don't let others get you down 🙂

Yay you 🥳 Don't let it get you down. You know how much better you feel in yourself and that's the important bit. Yes, other people giving you a high five is a great feeling but nowhere near as good as the physical feeling of getting the weight off. Besides, you have loads of people like us who will virtual high five you for every pound that you drop. Keep it up and you'll be down to your target weight in no time. 🫂💋

Nobody cares about your weight loss success. You need to celebrate yourself, as you are the only one who really benefits from your transformation. Your husband is probably not too thrilled with your boost in confidence.

TampaLex 3

let me be the first to say losing weight and getting in shape in silence is the best way to do it. your closest people want you to fail. stay focused and kill them softly

Obviously this was a good change for you, and you deserve to have people celebrating it with you, but since they haven't, it's obviously time to sign up for kayaking in Tahoe\a destination vacation\some expensive rock climbing and treat yourself. Then throw the vacation photos in their faces later.