By someone something - 28/08/2018 18:31

Today, I was taking a shower when I seized, tripped over the edge of the tub, and broke my nose by slamming my face in the open toilet. Thank you, epilepsy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 844
You deserved it 186

someone something tells us more.

someone something 20

I usually do keep a positive attitude because a negative one is just gonna bring you down. But this is the first time I've ever broken anything and I now have to use a shower chair because my parents and neurologist think it's too dangerous for me to stand. Also, someone needs to be in the bathroom so we can talk and make sure I'm not seizing

Top comments

I feel for you O.P. I am an Epileptic as well(most of my life) I have fallen off of bridges, monkey bars, diving boards, beds, couches and many other objects resulting in from broken bones, broken neck(between c3-c4 was very luck not to be paralyzed, fractured back(L4 vert) multiple concussions and a nail jammed between the lobes of my brain(was 5 or 6 at the time) among other small injuries. and 3 status epilepticus events. Epilepsy is a pain but with the right doctor and right combination of meds you can get it under control. I am coming up on 1 year seizure free after 38 years of episodes

indienerdgirl 27

As someone with epilepsy I've been there. I hope you heal quickly OP. Seizures suck ass and so sorry you got to deal with them too.


indienerdgirl 27

As someone with epilepsy I've been there. I hope you heal quickly OP. Seizures suck ass and so sorry you got to deal with them too.

I feel for you O.P. I am an Epileptic as well(most of my life) I have fallen off of bridges, monkey bars, diving boards, beds, couches and many other objects resulting in from broken bones, broken neck(between c3-c4 was very luck not to be paralyzed, fractured back(L4 vert) multiple concussions and a nail jammed between the lobes of my brain(was 5 or 6 at the time) among other small injuries. and 3 status epilepticus events. Epilepsy is a pain but with the right doctor and right combination of meds you can get it under control. I am coming up on 1 year seizure free after 38 years of episodes

i have several times. but they all have been rejected.

I'll be's been a long day and I read 'sneezed' instead of 'seized' and was so confused how epilepsy came into it...sorry op, that must suck

I feel you OP. When I was 15 I just started at a new highschool. 3 weeks in a went into the bathroom and had a seizure and shit my pants before I got to the toilet. Just gotta keep a positive attitude homie.

someone something 20

I usually do keep a positive attitude because a negative one is just gonna bring you down. But this is the first time I've ever broken anything and I now have to use a shower chair because my parents and neurologist think it's too dangerous for me to stand. Also, someone needs to be in the bathroom so we can talk and make sure I'm not seizing

Having someone to talk to while you're showering might be annoying, but it's not a bad idea. My friend lost her adult daughter because her (the daughter's) new husband stepped out of the house for a few minutes, and she decided to take a bath. When he came home, he found her - she had seized while home alone and drowned in the bathtub. You just never know what silly little annoying thing might end up saving your life!

My epilepsy is mainly nocturnal(seizure come in my sleep) for almost 10 years I wasn't allowed to sleep in a room by myself. I know that it really sucks what has to be done but just fight through it. next time you talk to/see your Neuro sit down with him/her and discuss any other options you might have. Above all else..DO NOT STRESS ON IT. Stressing will only make the seizures worse believe me.

someone something 20

And I know how you feel. 2 years ago, I was going to a concert with some of my best friends. We made a stop on the way to grab some food. I had to go to the bathroom and before I sat down, I seized, shit my pants and walked out pants down. was embarrassed beyond belief, but if you have the right ppl around you for support, you can get through anything

There are safety devices you can get for showering and wrist watchs to call for help if a seizure is detected ☺️

sapphireslayer92 9

My husband has epilepsy and this is a constant fear of mine...luckily he has been seizure free for a year..still scary though. Hope you get better

someone something 20

Because of the incident, I now have to use a shower chair. Try getting your husband to use one. it's safer, but it is harder to was your body. Don't have to tell him that though