I hate my job

By norestforthewicked - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend's deaf and senile cat listens to my verbal instructions better than my completely healthy middle school students listen to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 963
You deserved it 705

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Teachers, at least teachers in the US anyway, should get paid a lot more than they do. The crap they endure is almost on par with that of cops or prison guards, with the added risk of ignorant and unruly parents or the kids just making shit up about them that can ruin their lives, true or not. I respect the hell out of anyone with the patience to run four or five classes a day and not finish Friday afternoon by picking the worst one of them up by the ankles and using that one to beat the shit out of the rest of them. You're a teacher? You're a badass. Let no one say otherwise.

As for the students, I suggest a change in some classroom rules or possibly some phone calls home. Depends on what you're dealing with. Also, to look on the bright side, it's halfway to March, which means only 4 1/2 months left of them! Hopefully next year will be better? Best of luck, OP.


Right? I'd be more impressed by the cat than disappointed by the students.

As for the students, I suggest a change in some classroom rules or possibly some phone calls home. Depends on what you're dealing with. Also, to look on the bright side, it's halfway to March, which means only 4 1/2 months left of them! Hopefully next year will be better? Best of luck, OP.

crazykil02 13

Middle schoolers are at that awkward middle stage between childish elementary and savage high school

Well you did say the cat is senile. It just doesn't know enough to ignore you like the kids do.

Tell them that. Maybe they'll get the hint.

jcash52426 5

Sounds like it time to go major Payne on those kids. Start by shaving their heads and see if they behave ( I'm kidding I thought that was funny to do to the kids in the movie).

Teachers, at least teachers in the US anyway, should get paid a lot more than they do. The crap they endure is almost on par with that of cops or prison guards, with the added risk of ignorant and unruly parents or the kids just making shit up about them that can ruin their lives, true or not. I respect the hell out of anyone with the patience to run four or five classes a day and not finish Friday afternoon by picking the worst one of them up by the ankles and using that one to beat the shit out of the rest of them. You're a teacher? You're a badass. Let no one say otherwise.

alternative-facts 6
oodnanref 13

Try six classes, of about 130 in total hormone driven pre-teens acting like preschoolers wanting to be treated like adults. School is surrounded by low income households, and government housing is 3 blocks away. Most parents could care less because they use the school as a babysitting service. That's the environment I'm in every weekday for 180 days in total, AND I LOVE IT.

My sister insists that if you talk softly they will have to quiet down and listen hard (focus) to hear you. If they don't hear you and do as told/asked, there are consequences. ("it's your responsibility to pay attention and know what the rules/request/assignments/etc. Next time you'll make sure to hear me". Shouldn't take more than a couple of times and most will be "trained".

oodnanref 13

Depends, in some schools/classrooms that works wonderfully, in others it's just a waste of time.

da_epic_failman 7

Try asking them what would engage them. I have teachers that just give lectures, and pass out worksheets. Try not to be them.