I could've been the main character…

By Anonymous - 31/10/2022 22:00 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, after switching careers to nursing, I got feedback for my first assessment. It indirectly implied, "Don't think like a doctor when you're studying nursing, don't diagnose patients." I barely passed and I'm only now realizing why my family was pushing me to go to med school. They know me better than myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 339
You deserved it 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you should look into becoming a nurse practitioner. Theyre basically doctor with less student debt.


Nikki 17

Whoever’s giving you that advise should leave nursing

rotflqtms_ 21

As an RN, you don't make diagnoses. that is out of our scope of practice

Sounds like you should look into becoming a nurse practitioner. Theyre basically doctor with less student debt.