Heavy sleeper

By tootles - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was kicked out of my parents' house, so I ended up sleeping in my truck bed because I had nowhere to go. I was then awoken by a "beep beep beep" noise. I was being towed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 623
You deserved it 6 362

Top comments

irishfever 0

Assuming you're an adult, you can't expect your parents to take care of you forever... time to grow up

Maybe the parents called a tow truck? Doesn't necessarily mean he was illegally parked.


technically u could sue for kidnapping and get the money from the lawsuit because they took u with out ur consent that could help with ur current situation

That's illegal and you can sue for kidnapping. As long you are in the vehicle and they are actively towing it you can sue.

isn't it illegal for a vehicle to be towed when someone is in it?

it's actually illegal to tow a vehicle with a person inside, as it classifies as kidnapping.