Heavy sleeper

By tootles - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was kicked out of my parents' house, so I ended up sleeping in my truck bed because I had nowhere to go. I was then awoken by a "beep beep beep" noise. I was being towed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 623
You deserved it 6 362

Top comments

irishfever 0

Assuming you're an adult, you can't expect your parents to take care of you forever... time to grow up

Maybe the parents called a tow truck? Doesn't necessarily mean he was illegally parked.


frozen_heart 0

If you've graduated loans they give you 6 months to find a job to pay it back...and I would think most people work during school...if they bothered to get a job. But i think parents who kick their kids out right after graduation (be it high school or college) who do nothing to encourage them to be independent while they still live with them are doing their kids a vast disservice...thus you end up with people who are totally clueless and have no idea how to survive on their own. It's partly their fault for not taking initiative to learn, and partly the parents' fault for coddling. Back to this FML...totally FYL, but pick up the pieces--no one is going to do it for you, unfortunately. I won't make any assumptions about what happened, I have some friends with really ****** up parents, so I'm willing to believe it wasn't your fault.

HiBillyMaysHere 0

lol to 35, I was just thinking this, I normally wouldn't post this late at night, but yeah, if you're sleeping in a truck bed being towed, i think you have other priorities at hand.

Natradtasticx17 0

oh wow :| nice parents you go there.

you sound like a major asshole. you totally deserve it.

paks7 0

if getting kicked out, and parking illegally were your fault then YDI definitely but if not, and your parents really do suck, then FYL i hope its the 2nd one for your sake because then youre not a failure at life

AntiChrist7 0

that you don't tell us why you were kicked out, makes it a YDI.

sbarre1 0

I feel like if you get kicked out, the last thing you should be doing is updating on FML. Clearly, you're an idiot or a liar. >.>

my mom kicked me out for being gay, not for doing drugs, all you haters. FYL man. and even if you do have some substance problem, making you feel like shit about it doesn't solve anything.