
By owowowow - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out how much it hurts to be shot with a paintball in your open mouth. My mouth was only open to say I was hit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 700
You deserved it 7 714

Top comments


friggen idiot, dude theres a thing called a mask


Maht_fml 0

Mask. Wear it. You're an idiot, OP.

luvmypitbulls 0

Wow I never paintball but i think i would wear a mask, and you should be dead dumb ass, prolly swallowed that this

angeie7 6

you got to just LOVE that taste of paint... and fish oil!!! hhahaha say awwwwwww lol O:

tinybear93 0
GreenReaper 13

I'm sorry, but it was stupid of you to not have a mask on. You deserved it. Masks are required at any decent paintball field and only an idiot would decide not to wear one.

tdog_ossim 0

ydi for gettinghit in the first place...lol

Went paintballing today. Didn't get any paint in my mouth. :)

I agree with #1 were a mask next time, if u think mask r for ******* then go get shot in the face I don't care