He's a keeper

By EmmaJelly - 31/07/2022 10:00

Today, my three year-old son accidentally spilled strawberry jelly on my husband’s work shirt. My husband threw a huge fit, and went on a huge rant about how he was going to be late for work. He also said, and I quote, “Why couldn’t you just get a fucking abortion?” in front of our son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 469
You deserved it 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FRICK???!!! That is such an effed up thing to say to a kid. I am so sorry OP.

What's his secret? From this interaction you've made it seem like your husband/father of your child is a huge asshole, but there's obviously more to him because you wouldn't have married and had a baby with an asshole. So what are his pros?


WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FRICK???!!! That is such an effed up thing to say to a kid. I am so sorry OP.

What's his secret? From this interaction you've made it seem like your husband/father of your child is a huge asshole, but there's obviously more to him because you wouldn't have married and had a baby with an asshole. So what are his pros?

Hey, it's because he got Mama laid that he ended up in such jam. I hope he gets pectin the face by an angry bird.

If that was me, I would tell him in very hard words that that was the last time he ever said that! Send him on vacation for a month, and if he wants to come back then he better have changed his behavior. FYL indeed

I think maybe you should keep the kid and "abort" the asshole you're married to!!!

jesus christ. the kid made a typical mistake that 3 year olds make. i understand being mad about being late for work, but you simply don’t say that to a CHILD. no matter how angry you are.

too late for an abortion, not too late for a divorce

Wow... that is wrong on so many levels. Your husband is the one acting like an immature three-year-old if he's throwing a tantrum about being late for work. Go change your damn shirt, you asshole. Seriously, saying that is NOT okay. I can't even think of a response other than abort the marriage.