Get that bussy

By Matt - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was late for the bus. I chased after it for 3 blocks until I realized that the bus driver was laughing at me trying to catch her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 942
You deserved it 8 648

Top comments

Wow, that bus driver is an asshole. FYL.

what a bitch!! track her down and kick her stupid bus-driver ass


rosha267 21

That happened to me many times! He thought I could use the exercise

That dryver is so stuped fyl op for faling for hear trapp!

You're spelling is so bad it hurts my eyes. learn to ******* spell dumbass!!!

number 20 you learn to spell in the context that you are using your in it needs to be spelt your not you're dumbass

wtf dose it mater if I can't spell no it doesnt it dosnet efect yore life dose it no

You all hurt my head with your spelling/grammar. In response to #17, technically it does not matter how you spell, but if you want people to take you seriously you should learn to spell things correctly.

I have dyslexia. it isn't deliberate spelling errors. I'm going to just use spellcheker on iPhone like I am now cos I'm sick of the nasty comments people are leaveing me.

did you tell her what a fat ass bitch she was. I know that would of got you in trouble, but a concerned parent e-mail to her boss might work

pepelapew 0

you just drop a deuce in the bus next time

Trying to catch a bus that's already driving is like trying to fly: Both hilarious and doomed to fail. therefor: YDI

Human_Delilah 0

Either The Bus Driver is On Crack,You dont run fast enough ,Or You where late for the bus and ran 3 blocks Ydi :) and Fyl?

LOLbomb 1

I infer the first possibility. :P

Jeepers, just like in the movies. Golly, I wonder if OP is scamming us?

Well you deserve it for being late. Why should she have to wait for you if you're late? Also, start jogging and get fit. Why is there not a stop at every block?

xoxoMEGANxoxo 13