Four to the floor, I was sure…

By jalapeno_popper - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I learned the hard way why they say "four on the floor" at school. I leaned too far back while rocking in the chair and fell off. I grabbed the desk to save myself, and it came down too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 784
You deserved it 35 501

Top comments

OP, you have not heard the horror stories teachers tell about students leaning too far back and the consequences. I've heard about death, paralyzation, mental damage, and some other things.

saranottelling 7

I haven't done that since 3rd grade. A boy in my class fell and busted his head open... the blood...


iamtheplatypus 0

I do this all the time when I'm baked

I know, it sucks being a lefty in a righty society. But what I do in those situations is lean over to write. Although, one of my classes only had lefty desks...that was hilarious. :D But anyway, you can't complain over everything. Sometimes you got to learn how to use your body properly to get the job done, or learn how to use your other hand to complete certain tasks. It's like that lefty mouse thing. I could NEVER use that mouse, I'd be confused.

lefty/righty isn't the only bad thing about those chairs. The other bad thing is that you can't lean back in them.

ummm....what does four on the floor mean?

I've never heard anyone say 'four on the floor' and not be referencing a transmission. What kind of idiot school do you go to where they have to dumb things down like that?

KishiSenmatsu 0

do you know how many times I've done that? xD

this reminds me of a story my teacher had when she dirt started teaching.... one day in class a boy was in his chair raising it off the ground when he fell, the boy next to him was doing a project and was sitting on the floor and had his pencil standing straight in the air and the other boy who fell had he pencil go straight through his ear and Peirce his eardrum.... the end