Four to the floor, I was sure…

By jalapeno_popper - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I learned the hard way why they say "four on the floor" at school. I leaned too far back while rocking in the chair and fell off. I grabbed the desk to save myself, and it came down too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 784
You deserved it 35 501

Top comments

OP, you have not heard the horror stories teachers tell about students leaning too far back and the consequences. I've heard about death, paralyzation, mental damage, and some other things.

saranottelling 7

I haven't done that since 3rd grade. A boy in my class fell and busted his head open... the blood...


biancster 0

lmao I can so imagine that poor u

I had never heard of "four on the floor" outside of the car reference before this. Maybe it's because nobody I knew in school was stupid enough to lean back like that.

kmgentil 0

Aww man that must suck but, does your foot hurt??

haha FYL. seriously people? like you haven't leaned your chair up even when you know it's not safe. don't be hypocritical.

hahahaha that happened to mee and i broke a piece off the dessk. that would have been hilarious too see =P

Savenok 0

lol in kindergarden one kid looked away so I pulled away his chair a little he fell and started crying

KurouTenshi 0

firstly: FML got a sexy facelift woohoo secondly: can I giggle? just a little? and yeah, did you happen to be in physics class?? YDI for your commensense--er, lack therof :D

#74 - It's not so much a matter of falling from a low height and not catching yourself it's more what you're gonna hit on the way down, where and on what angle, that will injure you -_-