Door knocking

By firewait - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I gave my 16 year-old step-daughter and her friends a lecture on respecting other people's privacy. Two hours later, I accidentally walked into her room without knocking. She and her friends were giving each other bikini waxes. Now her friends call me "the hypocritical pervert." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 639
You deserved it 80 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i'd be more concerned that her and her friends give each other bikini waxes

Well the pervert thing is unjustified, but seriously, you can't tell her off for not respecting other people's privacy and then just walk into her room without knocking. Just apologise to her and let it serve as a reminder for next time to think before you go in there. She's a 16 year old girl, be glad she wasn't doing anything worse when you walked in!


Oooookay. Wow. Firstly, I would like to say that there is a big difference between going to a salon to get your bikini line (or more) waxed by a professional, with professional equipment and professional training and a bunch of teen girls sitting around in a bedroom, having at each other, with a parent in the house (male or female). It really has less to do with comfort and more to do with hygiene and proper boundaries. Anyway, I guess that's my opinion, and anyone is entitled to feel differently.. Secondly, my folks came in and out of my room as they pleased, and I didn't have a lock on my door. I'm fairly certain they went through my things when I wasn't home. It was their house, I didn't have the "right to privacy" the way I do now that I live in my own home. It's just the nature of living with your 'rents, I guess. Furthermore, if you're afraid you're doing something you wouldn't want to be caught doing- don't do it when your parents/step parents are home. I mean, come on, if the OP had knocked and the girls had shrieked and said, "Oh my god! Don't come in!" What would you have thought they were doing? I'm betting waxing bikini lines is not it.

OP: Ya should've knocked, buddy. You're not a perv, those girls are probably bitches, but you should respect your step-daughter's privacy and she should your's. 31: Why shouldn't they be entitled to it? Unless they've proven to be bad or untrustworthy, giving them privacy is only the respectful thing to do. Overbearing and authoritarian parenting usually has negative results. You respect your kids and raise them right, they return it.

Why is it weird for friends to give eachother waxes, but not for salon professionals to do it? Or do you guys mean it's just weird for 16 year olds to be doing so? In that I agree, but the world, it's changing. (Crickey, I'm 21 and already going "kids these days". FML.) EDIT Thank you tinystar, that made a lot of sense

What's wrong with you hypocritical americans? I dont even talk about Firewent. Shit happens and she agrees it wasn't a great move. But, my dear mor(m)on commenters, why are 16 year old girls ***** just because they wax each other? Jaysus Christ get a bloody live!

MyNameIsAudrey 0

Why is this an FML? You didn't knock, YDI.

YDI. Reminds me of when my mom gave me a huge lecture about how stealing was wrong, about how I should never take anything without permission, etc. etc. etc. A week later I caught her in my room, taking books and music to use in her classroom (she's a teacher). And when I went to her classroom, I found all sorts of things that I thought I had lost. She still refuses to admit it, but I was told not to a habitual thief.

Kegokec 0

Yes, knocking would have been nice, but YOU are the parent. I'd be grounding her for getting a bikini wax at 16. I wouldn't let her friends come over anymore either. Step daughter or not, legally speaking, you control her.

littlehowl 0
AntiChrist7 0

her friends are right. but because she is 16, you're a pedophile also. YDI