Don't call me Shirley

By Anonymous - 10/05/2012 13:09 - Sweden - Solna

Today, I was on an airplane, waiting to go to the bathroom. After a few minutes, the man behind me asked what I was waiting for, and checked the bathroom. It was empty, and there was a big line behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 629
You deserved it 28 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you should knock to make sure no one is inside.


Hey that was a pretty patient man if that were me I would scream and punch and push lol

This reminds me of Sponge Bob when he had a "bubble buddy"

the_enigma1019 1

Did you even knock? If you didn't, ydi

perdix 29

Yeah, those words "Vacant" and "Occupied" confuse the shit out of me, too! I thought I was the only one, phew!

Oh, something like that happened to me once too! I was 12 years old or so. And i was in a line for the toilet, which I thought was occupied because my arms were so weak and the door was so heavy, I thought it was locked... There were two people behind me! So embarrassing!

Are you colorblind? If you couldn't see the cabin light and were standing outside the stall paying any sort of attention to what you were actually waiting for, you'd perhaps have noticed the little green indicator on the door letting you know it's free. Though don't always trust that! Sometimes people don't lock. Believe me, I know... You'll fold in helplessly with the doors, violently interrupting their bathroom times. Stupid doors. Good luck OP.

Be careful, next time they might get pissed at, or even ON you!!! ;)