Diets suck

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Manhattan

Today, it's the fourth day of my new diet. I told my friends and family to watch me every time I eat to make sure it's healthy. I got so desperate that I hid some chocolates in my pocket then scarfed them down while pooping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 186
You deserved it 50 335

Top comments

jonnied23 20

Don't do something if you're not dedicated to it


Beepbeep7 14

Really? Cause when I read it,it said that she scarfed them down while pooping.

Exercise . If you work out daily, you'll be more careful of what you eat so you don't waste your work out. Also, make a nutrition plan and when you're craving sweets, try some strawberries and small amount of whip cream, or just a small plate of fruits alone (healthier)

lualdu 13

Don't have other people watch what you eat it has to be you otherwise you'll be deprived because other people are making you eat healthy and not yourself

How can anybody eat while taking a dump... I can never do that... I can never take anything edible to the bathroom...

Eating chocolate while pooping?!? That is disgusting and unsanitary.

that pisses me off, if you're gonna diet stay dedicated otherwise you didn't change anything.

It's kind of pathetic that you were on the toilet and sneaking chocolates. You are the only one responsible for yourself. When you truly want to lose weight, you will stop sneaking chocolates while pooping and start choosing the healthy choices.

raeepressley 12

YDI. It's not your friends and family's job to wat what you're eating for you... How can you expect to be successful in a diet if you can't take responsibility and take ownership of what you're doing? The only person you're doing wrong to and hiding from is yourself. Your family's not going to be all that heartbroken that you're cheating on your diet, but you will, because you're the one that's gonna feel like crap in the long run.