Brain melt

By hashtag67 - 05/11/2016 09:08

Today, I taught my first seminar as a teaching assistant. I prepared for hours and rehearsed and discussed it with the professor. Two students fell asleep, I said "shit" twice and I froze mid-sentence, then said, "Sorry guys, I have no idea what I'm saying." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 209
You deserved it 1 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theIceberg 9

don't worry man, none of us know what we're doing ever.

Throw in a quiz nobody is possibly prepared for, and it sounds like you just taught a class. Congrats, OP!


Hopefully you can get some support and with practice you will be okay

I've started teaching college level 4 years ago and all I can tell you is: don't worry too much about it. You'll get better with a bit of practice and it sounds like you managed just fine despite a few things. Just keep being dedicated. Congrats on your first teaching experience!

don't feel bad about two students falling asleep, from my experience that's normal no matter who the lecturer is

I fall asleep in class even if I really like my teacher, so don't take that to heart

I did something similar op. I was in the teaching classes, and the observation I could do, the kids liked me just fine. THEN the teacher assigned us to do a lesson in front of our classmates. NO amount of practice could prepare me for that. I was awkward and bumbling and I couldn't look anyone in the eye, and it was just awful.

I've been helping out in a college-level ASL class this term (getting back into it so I can terp and all), and the teacher has this habit of springing it on me that she wants me to teach. Five minutes of notice. No preparation. Now, I'm not actually a teacher. I just remind myself that I know more than any of the kids in the room. Even if I forget something, I'm still smarter in the subject than they are. Just try and remember that. You'll have nerves for a while, but just gloss over the bits you're unsure about and go back later. You're still smarter than your students. You've totally got this.

Happens to all new teachers, I cried after teaching my first class.

Don't worry op! You'll get the hang of it :D

welcome to teaching keep trying you'll put it together