
By kaytay2469 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was working at childcare, I asked a two year-old not to hit. He threw a bucket at me, which bounced off my forehead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 704
You deserved it 4 890

Top comments

That youngster's aim has earned him... 10 Points!

lmao just be glad u work in a daycare centre and everything is plastic


Xavi89 0

omg please go to the video cameras and upload that to YouTube! omg that would be so ******* funny to see!!

letschat6 5

LOL! people would loop it just like the Bret Michaels thing xD

Snickers369 0

This must've scarred you for life

deeters 0

fyl you probes have a massive forehead

MetalFish 0

This is why I don't want kids.

Shaggy_92 5

well you didn't tell him no to throw anything so....nice one

You said "hit," not throw. Makings of a smartass, that kid. :P

LOL my little sister was always doing things like this when she was that age! It's normal for kids :P Just tell him not to do that and give him a time-out or something... No big deal :)