
By kaytay2469 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was working at childcare, I asked a two year-old not to hit. He threw a bucket at me, which bounced off my forehead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 704
You deserved it 4 890

Top comments

That youngster's aim has earned him... 10 Points!

lmao just be glad u work in a daycare centre and everything is plastic


guessing there's nothing inside your head.. :/

throw the bucket back that'll show him lol

At least the kid didn't bite, or vomit, or crap himself- which 2 year olds tend to do. I'd take a bucket to the head over that anyday.

denise509 0

I was at a child care center where a bucket fell from the sky! I was as freaked as chicken little!

@61 lol, this is make the OP sound even funnier now that I've read it again

zach055 23

YDI for telling a kid what to do

MustangGirL 0

Wow. They don't make buckets like they used too..

Well to be fair, he didn't hit you. The bucket hit you.