Trumpet solo

By Churizmo - 19/07/2009 18:52 - United States

Today, I was at a party and I really had to use the bathroom. There were 30-40 people talking outside the door, so I thought it would be ok to make some noise. Just as I'm about to begin having explosive diarrhea, everyone fell silent as my dad began to pray for our meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 816
You deserved it 5 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

geesquared 0

that is really embarassing. XD


I've been in the OP's shoes, unfortunately. Some people have colitis, or spastic colon, or (in my case) both, and sometimes, despite all of one's best efforts to avoid a flare, well... it happens anyway. And it can be very embarrassing. Oh, and BTW... I thought this was "F my life", not "Let's bash religious people" or "Let's bash atheists".

Maybe your dad prayed that you get explosive diarrhea. Praise the Lord!!

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

i'm glad i'm an atheist so this wont happen to me

curryndricegirll 0

YDI for trying to fart where people have to eat. That's disgusting.

curryndricegirll 0

I don't get why everyone assumes that this guy is Christian. Christians aren't the only ones that pray (before a meal).

LOl the OP sounds like he wants to be cool. Sounds more like a large family dinner lol

lostinediting 0

This is why I always tun the water on. Helps me relax and drowns out noise. So what if everyone knows you're taking a big nasty shit since they can hear the water on? Better than having to hear the all the crap-racket, I say.

What da eff? What kinda party were you at? 30-40 people standing outside the bathroom? Everybody being quiet so your DAD can PRAY? SO strange!

jme924 0

I feel bad for you. :( I know how much it sucks to have to go to the bathroom and be around a lot of people. It isn't your fault, and the most annoying part is that it happens to everyone! So why be embarrassed? Ugh.