By NoPainNoGain - 05/06/2009 05:03 - United States

Today, while running on the treadmill at the gym, the girl next to me slipped and went flying back against the wall. Indecisive whether to get off and help her or to just keep going, I lost my focus and footing and flew back next to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 469
You deserved it 117


Ohh it's so fun seeing people do that.

YDI for not getting off immediately to help her you dumbass.

angerislife 0

It's like that one cimcast commercial "woohoowoohoohoo"

Corn_Is_Tasty 0

Seriously that's a great way to meet girls, it's just unfortunate that due to Darwinism you should both be dead.

What the ****? This was a COMPLETE ACCIDENT, darwinism shouldn't apply to this situation. Dumbass...

Hilarious but sorry bet u got a good bump, see wat happens when u don't do the right thing lol

So of course, you leaned over and said, "Hey, it looks like I'm falling for you."