By gwengas - 30/07/2014 06:51 - France - Saint-ouen-des-alleux

Today, while out with my boyfriend, I gave a beggar some cash, who then smiled at me and said to my boyfriend, "You have a beautiful little lady, take good care of her." Flattered, I hoped my boyfriend would agree with the compliment. He turned and said, "Hear that? He said you were little." FML
I agree, your life sucks 460
You deserved it 38

Top comments

at least a stranger complimented you. not a complete loss.


He wasnt saying there was something wrong with being little he was saying that she was a beautiful lady

Is he tall? Everybody is little to us tall people, and I sure as hell tease everyone about it.

i8cake 12

Your bf is a bit immature, he could have seconded that compliment and give you a kiss!

He's got a sense of humour. Keep him!

I never said I was rich or a tight ass. As a matter if fact I'm quite generous. I also do volunteer work helping inner-city youth develop their writing skills, and I tutor English to our veterans. All I'm saying is people must be aware that many "bums" are not what they seem. I recall offering two beggars a meal instead of a handout on a couple of occasions. One politely refused. The other flipped me off.

Give us thumbs options on your comments! This said #88, if you feel the need to broadcast your good this case to balance out stereotypes about the homeless as lazy drug addicts, drunks, or opportunists, there's a reason, and you should probably do an attitude check.

CyberGothic 16

no offense to women but I would have JOKINGLY said the same thing