By gwengas - 30/07/2014 06:51 - France - Saint-ouen-des-alleux

Today, while out with my boyfriend, I gave a beggar some cash, who then smiled at me and said to my boyfriend, "You have a beautiful little lady, take good care of her." Flattered, I hoped my boyfriend would agree with the compliment. He turned and said, "Hear that? He said you were little." FML
I agree, your life sucks 460
You deserved it 38

Top comments

at least a stranger complimented you. not a complete loss.


It's frustrating when you have an expectation of what you want to hear. Especially when a single word has been pointed which is the last one you want hear.

I wouldve said the same thing if i was her boyfriend

fml_fyl_ydi_1342 8

You mean ex boyfriend, right?

he was most likely joking around. a lot of people do it with their SO. nothing to break up over.

Dump your bf and date the beggar.. he sounds like a real keeper

PhantomFollower 20

yeah i mean, girls like to choose asshole bfs then they complain when they treat them like shit. they basically dug their own grave :] before having a boyfriend, get to know them duhhhh

Hey, at least he called you beautiful haha

Sounds as though you're the kind of girlfriend who complains that she's fat, and your boyfriend is trying to say he's not the only one who thinks you're thin or "little"?