By gwengas - 30/07/2014 06:51 - France - Saint-ouen-des-alleux

Today, while out with my boyfriend, I gave a beggar some cash, who then smiled at me and said to my boyfriend, "You have a beautiful little lady, take good care of her." Flattered, I hoped my boyfriend would agree with the compliment. He turned and said, "Hear that? He said you were little." FML
I agree, your life sucks 460
You deserved it 38

Top comments

at least a stranger complimented you. not a complete loss.


#23, that's what amazes me about the female mind. To be told you're little translates to being called fat. Do you wonder why we mere males cringe at the question "Does my bum look big in these" FML

and thats all he could get .. I feel pity for him

poisongirl708 11

What an asshole your boyfriend is.

Byere 4

Sounds like something that would happen between my friend Tia and her b/f lol

Personally, I love shorter girls. Not for the perverted aspect other guys think of. I genuinely think shorter girls are more adorable. Like my girlfriend. :)