By Oriianna Raiinbow - 23/10/2010 06:07 - United States

Today, talking to my boyfriend about each others families, we noticed we both had an aunt with the same name. After a while of trying to figure things out, we decide to call her. Turns out that we are long distance cousins. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 799
You deserved it 4 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bmore225 0

Keep it in the family I suppose.

It sounds like you're not related by blood, so I don't see it as that big a deal. From what it seems, one of your parent's sisters married a man whose sibling is your boyfriend's mom or dad. Bizarre situation, but if that's the case, it's hardly incestual.


Roflmaoqxz 3

If you're that distant it shouldn't matter, you're genetically diverse enough to not have problems.

leelee12_fml 0

at least you guys aren't blood related?

suxforyou1225 0

incest, fun for the whole family

Remember everyone, it's not incest, it's winfest

ImYoursAlways 3

Do you live in Powers, Oregon? Haha :)

YourWetDream 0

Reminds me of a Murry show where this couple were together and loved each other so freaking much to conceive a child, and then to find out they were brother and sister :P I guess it was a good thing the were in Arkansas right? XD

p33lzhear 6

if its not by blood its fine and prolly distant enuff to not matter anyway. ;)

I don't see the problem. Move to Alabama.

Oh, so you guys are long DISTANCE cousins? How far away does he live? I think you meant to say long DISTANT cousins.

I think YOU meant to say DISTANT cousins. Long distant cousins doesn't make any sense. Make sure you're 100% correct before you correct anyone.