By katt_is_here - 06/10/2013 05:51 - United States - Greeley

Today, my mother came over to my apartment for a surprise visit. It wasn't until after she left that I realized that I left a half empty bottle of adult toy cleaner on the counter in the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 831
You deserved it 15 103

katt_is_here tells us more.

OP here! To answer some questions: 1) The bottle...well, it's pretty damn obvious what it is considering it has GIANT letters on it that say "Anti-Bacterial Toy Cleaner" next to a image of a girl dancing with a giant ***** like a stripper pole. If she did see it, it is more than obvious what it is used for. 2) Soap can damage some toys so it's better to get a cleaner specifically designed for the items you are cleaning. You wouldn't wash your windows with oven cleaner, for example. 3) I guess some people missed where I said "SURPRISE" visit. As in I wasn't expecting her. As in there is A LOT of things I would have done to prepare had I known she was coming. I'm not messy, but most people clean their place better when they are expecting company, no? 4) I pay my own bills. This apartment is no more hers than my toys are. Either way, I thought it was a funny and somewhat embarrassing story to share. Have a good one!

Top comments

At least you're sanitary. It's better than not cleaning them at all.

Well at least she didn't call you out and make it awkward


I would of started laughing. If she would of said something I would said hey it's nothing wrong with it

Arlisshsr 9

Its ok bro...i still play with legos too...