By Unbearable - 25/06/2011 19:58 - United States

Today, my mom insisted on putting sunscreen on me. I closed my eyes and shut my mouth while she rubbed some on my face. Halfway through, I burped. I opened my mouth just in time to get a large glob of sunscreen in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 626
You deserved it 36 461

Unbearable_fml tells us more.

One of my friends brought to my attention that one of my ol' FMLs is still circulating with quite a bit of controversy, so I'm back to add a little bit of insight: For those of you who called me childish for not applying my own sunscreen, I'm far from flexible and I'd like to say that any normal person can't reach their back, so my mom went ahead and did that for me. Since she had some extra sunscreen on her fingers, she went ahead and did my face too, as I did the rest of my body. For those of you who said that it was rude of me to burp on my mother, I completely agree, but my eyes were closed and I had just had Taco Bell, so you know how it is. I didn't know my mom's fingers were so close to my face, my eyes being closed in all, so—I don't really remember, this was years ago. I'm glad I have a published FML, but my day at the beach turned sour when I had to wash sunscreen out of my mouth with seawater! My mom and I still laugh about it, though. Have a good day!

Top comments

well burp through your nose, that's what I do.

I never trust my mom with putting sunscreen on me. not after having a smiley face on my back.


Well, that's what you get for burping in your mother's face.

Well at least you won't have tongue burn

Thats why I get flavored sunscreen -.-

mikaelasbffl 0

HAHAHAH. how old are u? ur mom still puts sunscreen on your face?!?! fyl!

Orlandomagic24 0

your like that guy off of benchwarmers!

MissAimeeAngel 15 wide did you open your mouth?

For all you people who say that I'm disprespectful to burp on my mom and that I'm old enough to be on fml but not to put sunscreen on myself, I didn't mean to I had just eaten and my mom insisted. there was nothing I could do about it. But I helped, I did my arms and legs and she did my back and face. Also, I was born in 1986. So...

If you were born in 1986, that would make you 24, or 25 if your birthday has already passed. Which means, you're old enough to: 1) have learned that SPF means you won't look like you're 50 in about 10 years after all those hours in the sun without protection; and 2) tell your mom that you appreciate her concern, but other than the very middle of your back, you think you can manage spreading some lotion all over yourself. Unless you happen to be someone who has a disability that would prevent them from properly applying sunscreen (in which case, mea culpa), I'm less worried about the fact that you let rip a burp while getting lotion spread on your face than the fact that your mother felt compelled to spread it all over you. The only way this would be more weird and uncomfortable is if your father insisted on lotioning you up all over your body. Then, I'd call the police. Or a good psychiatrist.

smiles1983 0
