By fmylifegirl - 29/12/2009 20:59 - United States

Today, my girlfriends and I got a caricature painting while on a trip in the city. Unfortunately for me, the part of my appearance that the artist decided to exaggerate was my acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 451
You deserved it 43

Top comments

thinmint 0

awe that was not nice. fyl indeed, acne is a terrrible bitch. and to those who say ydi for not washing-acne is not something that just goes away with good hygiene(sp). most of the time it is a battle of hormones that is very tricky to control, hence more acne whilst on growth hormone...educate before you hate


synful 0

XD! love the illustration for this

takeshi60 3

anyone else notice that in the illustration the two girls on the side switch places in the first 2-4 pannels?

ouch thats really harsh i dont know why so many people are so insensitive

PoisonParasite 0

Yay Loish. ^-^ love her work and her style on deviantart etc. Im sure shes aware of her mistake.

To nearly all the earlier comments : What is this, a biology genetics class on acne??

Why are most people taking this so seriously... It's funny as.

Mixmziebell 0

someone already made this fml

delanis 0

anyone else notice how the two girls the turnout hot in the drawing switch spots...

I'm wondering. . . .Is that really what the picture looked like??? Like your face like that. . . And your friends. . . .Like that????