By kittyboo_is_me - 19/11/2013 06:59 - Slovenia - Maribor

Today, my cat has figured out that while I'm good at sleeping through her nagging in the early morning hours, I will unfailingly wake up for my baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 386
You deserved it 4 221

kittyboo_is_me tells us more.

kittyboo_is_me 10

No need to get rid of the cat, she's good to both my baby and my older son and I have absolutely no fears regarding her and the kids. I still have no clue how she does what she does, I assume she either meows in their room long enough to wake up the baby or she paws him through the rails of the crib until he wakes up. She has food available at all times, so that's not an issue (and she's really thin btw). Pretty sure she just wants to go outside to do whatever it is cats do at night (roam, hunt, interact). I might have to try the dark room suggestion though, thanks for reminding me - it was the only thing that got her to stop peeing all over the house. That or throwing her out of the house at night altogether, nevermind the cold. Sleep is precious, especially with a baby in the house.

Top comments

so she attacked the baby? damn that's a smart, evil cat.

I'm confused. Do you mean she terrorizes your baby at night or that she imitates the baby's cries?


Why does your cat have access to your baby's room? You can obviously hear the baby via a baby monitor so the door needn't be open.

Clearly close the door to the babies room. And close yours. I have two cats and they have to deal with it because they cant unlock a door. My parents always had animals with us even as infants, there is always a way to make it work.

I can't do that bc the baby eats until he gets sick. Greedy little pig.

#6 I'm with you all the way on this.

Yeah we'll animals are smart you better watch your back or else one day you're gonna look back and BAM! Cat ninja trying to get rid of you

icepick23 12

That's awesome! Smart cat. Cats are cool.

Time to get rid of the damned thing. The baby, I mean.