By onething - 08/07/2009 17:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend picked me up to come spend the night at his house, and on the way he started pulling over to get some condoms. I told him no need, I was on my period. He turned the car around and took me home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 541
You deserved it 78

Top comments

aiezaiza 0

For those saying she can still get pregnant whilst on her period, I think she was saying that she didn't want sex due to being on her period, not that menstruating prevents pregnancy. Also, if she doesn't want to have sex at this time of the month, that's her decision, sheesh. And your boyfriend sounds like a bit of an arse. :(


blink182rocks 0

YDI for causing the terrorist attacks on the world trade center and for starting the Civil War.

Inked2009 0
mojomojo_fml 5

Sounds like she doesn't give BJs and is no fun to be around for anything except bonin'. F his life, if he ever gets her pregnant.

for the record, it's possible OP's bf knows YOU CAN GET PREGNANT WHILE ON YOUR PERIOD.

omg i love blink182 but "blink182rocks" is a douchebag

Yes, you can get pregnant on your period. The chance is LOWER, but it's there.

kflaherty008 0

omg #75 yea u can get pregnant on ur period retard and fyl for not knowing it dumbass

I'm assuming blink182 was giving a sarcastic reply to the comment that said "you deserve it for dating an asshole"...

mister_moops 0

okay, um, first of all, blink182rocks was ******* joking. idiots. he's mocking #25. and #63, what the **** does that matter? you can get pregnant anyway. i don't understand where you're going with your little fact.

Josh129 0

#82 is the reason why the nazis were so succeful in episode attack of the clones, but george lucas informed me that since assholes like you get to live, americas sweetheart ryan seacrest is going to die. So thanks # 82, thanks for giving america AID's you evil ****. You no jum de frum to ******* deglo ever have kids.... I will eat them all.

californiaaaaa 0

You can get pregnant during your period. Read the last paragraph.

elara15 0

I'm glad somebody said it. Even with "natural family planning," there's always the risk of pregnancy because your body may ovulate without regard to cervical mucus or body temperature, especially if you're young (even if you're not irregular). You should be secretly grateful to your immature boyfriend that his laziness and ignorance actually saved you from yours. In the future, don't tell him, just use a washcloth beforehand.

She wasn't saying "no need for a condom because I'm on my period". I believe the OP was saying "no need, we won't be having sex because I'm on my period".

possible but he also knows they're not going to have sex anyway, Hence why he's taking her home.... Like an arse hole

Sure if you're speed racer. Its not like she's going to stop bleeding because she used a wash cloth to clean up. If her boyfriend is cool having sex with her while she's on her period awesome, but it's disrespectful to not say anything.

Heazie 0

I'm pretty sure she meant that she was not going to be having sex, not that they didn't need condoms because she wasn't going to get pregnant...

hookay 0

Are you people honestly that dumb. She said no need for condoms because she doesn't want to have sex while she is on her period. It really wasn't that hard to understand.

nataliebear 0

idiot. sperm can live for a few days in a moist environment, therefore once she starts ovulating again which could be right after her period ends, she can get pregnant. DUMB ASS. anyways.. OP, you should dump his sorry ass. he's not worth your time. you can do better, i'm sure. my boyfriend would never do that. when he calls to ask me to come over and if i'm on my period, he still tells me to come over anyway because he wants to see me. so not all guys are asshole. good luck with your search for a new boyfriend.

cellist1 0

Well, you'd be wrong, #164. She was saying that a period negates the need for contraception.

I agree with #1. Though I'd never have sex while on my period... it just sounds too gross.

Finally someone who understood the FML the right can't believe it took this long

Actually, I think it's the other way around.

purple_nugget 0

i dont get what this generation has come too. everyone is sleeping with their boyfriends and stuff people just dont know how to do it the old fashioned way.. wait till there married.. and all you assh*les that are gunna reply to this go f*ck off

yeah i mean can he like not wait like up to another week to get some action...sounds like he is just in it for a good time...doesnt seem like a quality guy but thats just me

omg what a complete douche bag !! i would have dumped his ass right there and walked home. i hhhaaattteee guys like that. seriously get overyourself he probably wasnt that good in bed anyways.

yeah agreed that ******* gross and you girls get bitchy so why would he wanna be around you

She could have been saying that they're not having sex because she's on her period.

THANK YOU. Everyone seems to think the OPs here are as dumb as they can be.It's entirely possible she wasn't interested in giving out red wings.

I would have done the same thing u should have told him u were on ur period b4 he picked u up

jewelzgalore 0

I know, right? God, people are so stupid.

wtf? blink182 thats...weird and has nothing to do with the concept.

AnotherStranger2 0

Meh, how old are you? Not everyone follows the "no sex until marriage" deal. Humans are sexual creatures, can't blame them. At least he was going to be safe and use a condom. To the OP: D:< How rude of him. Jesus.

Agreed unless you want a blood orgy.

your a bitch you should have told him you were on your period before he came

forgettingsunday 0

is there something wrong with not wanting to **** when your bleeding everywhere? I'm a girl, and it makes me wanna throw up. :b her boyfriend isn't a jerk.

357: thts a little rude. I'm sure she loves him and was hoping to spend time with him whether she had her period or not. ad for you 372, you sound like a girl who doesn't care much about her boyfriend. yea there isn't a need to have sex but staying the night can be fun otherwise. and for all other assholes, not all girls get pissy on their periods. all I get is tired and my boyfriend comforts me just fine.

that has to be the most rude thing I have ever heard anyone say.

n_epic_fail 14

I'm a girl and I c where the boyfriend is coming from. putting aside this pregnancy thing u people seem hell bent on discussing, who wants to have period sex? or handle a girl who's on her period? yea he's being insensitive, but now u can spend the night for-filling your cravings. lol

There is no law that says a woman has to do ANYTHING to please a man. Surely he can spend a night with his significant other without expecting sex? Otherwise, I'd have to say he's extremely immature. Or an asswipe.

Mercy71195 4

Finally someone with some brains!!

and she was spending the night with him. doesnt mean they HAD to have sex. you can be with someone without doing anything.

He's just not into sailing the red sea huh? Can't blame him.

Tell your bf to man up and earn his red wings.

mandadanyele 0

Damnnn. That is really low. But who cares if you are on your period? Why should that stop anything? Seriously..

Why would you do the same thing? You dae girls who dont give head? FYL Buddy!!!

not everyone is into crime scene sex. i know i wouldn't want to look down and see my dick covered in blood.

Lisimal 7

Ewww! You´re disgusting. I´m guessing you´ve done it before.

I've done it, it's not as traumatizing as you think. It's REALLY traumatizing when you realize the blood is YOURS.

bittersweets 2

lol @#28 how do you imagine a woman's period? lots and lots of blood running out of her? actually it's not that much. and i've never seen a dick covered in blood although i've had sex during my period. it's hardly noticeable and no big deal.

I wouldn't say that it's "hardly noticeable," but it's also not as big a deal as people are making it out to be.

because its ******* nasty plus it increases the risk of stds and to whoever wrote the story, your a retard for thinking that you dont need a condom on your period, thats prob when youd need it most,


106 - i'm a WOMAN, for starters, and i have had sex on my period before, and it so happened that my bf's dick WAS covered in blood, which is why we never did that again. all of which is irrelevant to the fact that OP's bf turned around and took her home simply because she wasn't going to have sex with him. what a ********.

kikchik2491 0

eh, its a little more than hardly noticable. still..

Not necessarily it depends on the woman...when I have sex while on my period I actually almost completely stop bleeding as soon as I start getting wet and while having sex and it IS hardly noticeable in my case... They could have at least tried once or did it in the shower or whatever :p

omgznoes 0

@194 - 106's girlfriend / previous partner may have had a really light flow, / being near the end of her period. you may have a really heavy flow (hence why tampons and pad's come in different shapes and sizes and what have you - i assume - i'm a dude it's an educated guess) or you may have just came on or whatever, point is, the guy was just trying to clear an urban legend up. i haven't got my red wings, never thought i would but now if the mrs demands it i'll give it some thought as long as she's near the end near the end and your fine i guess yeah?

I had sex with my boyfriend when I JUST started my period and very close to the end of it... No blood whatsoever and it actually felt better than usually.

Crime Scene sex?? Lol that's awesome xD

theflamezbegin 0
Octiskeet 0

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#9 and #10 are retards..... i think she was saying she doesn't do the do when on her period.... morons.....

it's not what she meant. pay more attention before calling someone an idiot, smarty.

YDI for having a face~! BAM. Okay, not really, but I think that's about how stupid YOUR comment was. Did you read the entire post? He "turned around and took her home". It wasn't that they were going to have unprotected sex, but that because she was... you know what. I'm not even typing it out. If you're too much of an idiot, I have no empathy. OP: I would say it's probably safe to assume that oral sex has never been a part of the picture? If he overreacts like this and takes you home because PVI wasn't part of the uh, 'evening festivities', you two need to have a serious talk.

i think YOU'RE the moron here. looks to me like she thinks she doesnt need condoms when shes on the rag. dont be naive

You're still able to get pregnant while on your period.

seniorenyore 0

she meant she didnt want to th ave sex on her period. dumbass

Wow. As another commenter said, time to earn his red wings. Or at least man up. And I think she meant she wasn't going to have sex with him, not that she wasn't going to get pregnant.

Bored_2_Death 0

I think the OP meant that she didn't want to have sex on her period not that she didn't need protection