By Raven3434 - 27/09/2009 18:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend found out that he has kidney failure. He was feeling sick for a few weeks and I had told him to drink lots of fluids and eat vegetables. Apparently that is really bad for kidney patients. I was killing him with water and spinach salads. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 620
You deserved it 11 271

Raven3434 tells us more.

Just to put it out there, he had complete kidney failure. He is now on dialysis. His kidneys are toast and he needs a transplant. Apparently it was caused by years of high blood pressure. His kidneys were in trouble before we even met. And I had been encouraging him to go to the doctor. He had seen a few doctors, but nobody diagnosed him until his lungs were full of fluid. He can't drink too much fluid because he can't get rid of it without dialysis. He cant eat too many fruits or vegetables because he can't process out the extra phosphate and potassium. He also has to limit his sodium, but that wasn't part of my original post. Just wanted to clarify things. Thanks to all of you out there who offered support. Its been a really hard time.

Top comments

it not your fault, in normal circumstances, that's a good thing

You must feel like shit. FYL. But it's not your fault.


Wow... anyone berating this poor girl should be ashamed of themselves. Obviously she is already beating herself up over an honest mistake, and your disrespectful and hateful comments are unnecessary. Not at any point did she offer medical advice. Her boyfriend was sick, she told him to drink water and eat veggies. What the hell is wrong with that? Everyone is acting like she strapped him to a goddamn gurney and pumped him full of god knows what. Leave the poor thing alone! Her boyfriend knows she is not a doctor and it was his choice to take her advice. There is no fault by either parties in this situation, it is just an unfortunate series of circumstances that just so happen to have a negative result. OP- Truly, FYL and I hope your boyfriend is able to beat this thing, and I'm sure you'll be by his side through the whole ordeal. Keep your head up and ignore the dirty, nasty trolls =)

greyzero 0

I knew it, vegetables ARE evil.

its cool that you were trying to help out but you should have done some research

ur a dumb bitch, dumb bitch. I bet u wouldn't have known

You should probably (definitely) leave medical advice to medical PROFESSIONALS.

FunSized88 10

Ha, FYL you was killing your own love sucks for you, but I hope he's okay now!

You dumb bitch. Why would you tell him to do something when you have no idea what you are talking about?