By fffmmll - 21/03/2011 16:58 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend called my vagina "Chewbacca". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 971
You deserved it 56 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why does it make a funny arrrrrgggggg noise or are you just wicked hairy?


trim the hedges if you won't pull the weeds

loverlygirl 1

My first boyfriend did that to me. I've shaved religiously ever since.

Actually, he types like a blazing ******.

I mean would you eat your Arby's big Montana roast beef sandwich if it was covered in hair?

At least he didn't call you princess lay-her

guys, don't make fun of gayboi. he might only have two fingers! now, if he only had two fingers, you'd feel like a douche now. you're welcome.

tytuskey 3
Lalala1996 0

Yeah I know man... that shit was jacked up.