By michelleccali - 21/12/2009 10:32 - United States

Today, it was our 6 month anniversary. My boyfriend didn’t get me a present or take me out to dinner. Instead he cried to me about how much he hates his life while he repeatedly punched himself in the face. Then he dropped me off to spend time with his mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 718
You deserved it 9 498

michelleccali tells us more.

Ok, yes I am a teenager. The reason I was so upset over him not doing anything for our 6 months together was because he made sure I got him a present, and told me a bunch of times that he was planning something fun. So he got my hopes up for nothing. Then when I got sad about it, he got mad at me and pretty much ignored me.

Top comments

MeGustaComer 0

6 month anniversary? Get a life, you greedy little girl.


I think this is selfish. He's depressed and I bet when you're depressed you would want his attention too. Besides, 6 months? Get over it.

at least he tells you how he feels but he is still in the wrong

6 months? seriously. get over it. Me and my boyfriend haven't done anything for our anniversaries and we've been together almost 8 months.

sportsnut 0

YDI for dating a complete pity party of a guy. Tell him to take the tampon out of his ******, grow a pair, man up, and get a life...wait, but if he does that, he probably wouldn't date someone who is pathetic enough to date you

The guy could be seriously depressed. If that's the case, "manning up" won't help him any. Depression is the lack of certain hormones and chemicals in a person's brain.

stop being so selfish. he needs u. be there for him instead of bitching about him on here. 6 months isnt that big of a deal

do 6 month anniversarys really count anyway?...

some_girl9 8

You're not being selfish. Your boyfriend is a bipolar pussy. Tell him he has to either grow a pair or you'll just go find yourself a real man. FYL...and even moreso FHL.

first of all, it says nothing to suggest he is bipolar. this would be more like depression or maybe a personality disorder. maybe he is bipolar, but you can't assume that from what you read. and also, bipolar people are not *******. some of the strongest people i know are bipolar. do you know why they are strong? because they have to put up with bullshit, not only from their brain going psycho, but from people like you who don't know SHIT about what it's like and you still judge them. and i don't know what you think a real man is, but real men show their emotions. do you really want a guy who just acts tough and manly and doesn't let you in on how he's feeling? i have a real man and he cries and he gets depressed, and he tells me so we can work it out together. that's what being in a relationship is like. we laugh, we cry, we get angry, and we love each other. that's what makes it a relationship. don't judge men who have emotions. it makes you sound like a complete bitch.

*respectful nod* people, please take notice of what chicken_lover has said - it is exactly the same with my boyfriend and i, and although we both have our own problems that cause us to be angry and upset sometimes, it is a lot easier to love someone if you know that both of you can trust each other and help each other through difficulties.

I'll back up these last two comments. *sidles out*

It's six months. There is nothing special about six months. Now a year is something to celebrate. Six months is one of those that's like "Hey we made it six months." Obviously he was really depressed and instead of being there to help him out you instead were too selfish to notice and instead wanted presents... he seriously should lave you. FHL

schwinn11 0

If I had a girlfriend wanting to celebrate a 6 month anniversary I'd also punch myself in the face!!!!