By alrightsheryl - 28/03/2009 16:40 - United States

Today, it's my 18th birthday. I called my parents and they told me that they found weed in the guest house, so they called my boarding school to drug test me. It wasn't my weed. They didn't even say, "Happy Birthday." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 607
You deserved it 4 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeeJayD 0

Wait a minute. You're at boarding school. It was in the guest house. What's wrong with this picture? Your parents are either just assholes, or phenomenally stupid.


OMFG YOUR FAMILY HAS MONEY?!?!?! you deserve everything you get for being rich. how dare you be born to two parents who are well off?!

haha happy birthday! =] and if you're 18 now they can't make you take a drug test

Happy Birthday =] Well, shit happens.

sunshyne84_fml 0

so what! if ur not doing drugs it shouldnt matter and once u turn 18 parents don't care anymore

jnic 0

Wow, what's with all the classist assholes on here? This coming from someone in a $28,000/year household.

OperationNicole_fml 0

That sucks (And being wealthy doesn't mean that your life isn't screwed up, to all of those that are being so dismissive. For one, people also need affection.) One year, everybody forgot my birthday. The worse is that I saw my entire family and a whole bunch of my friends on my birthday because I attended two other birthday parties, but no one noticed that because I wasn't being celebrated.

lolyouareanidiot 0

#32, I am not wrong. Her parents hate her, and so do the parents of your friends in boarding school. Doesn't matter if the kids like it there or not; their parents hate them.

I hope you are an only child because then you will be choosing their nursing home. I suggest something dark, dank, state-run and heavily populated with blood-thirsty cockroaches. Anyway, I would call them up the day after your birthday and remind them that they missed it due to their own extreme paranoia, that should net you a decent prezzie. ;-)) BTW, I don't understand the big deal everyone is making re.: boarding school. I went to public, but who cares-boarding school is still WAY better than the crappy Catholic school my siblings attended.

Happy birthday! My 18th birthday is tomorrow (the 29th)!

Damn it does suck that your parents would screw up your future by ratting you out to the school In most private schools I know you get immediately expelled (for possession of drugs) but anyway, at least your from a wealthy family and you could bounce back.