By Anonymous - 25/05/2017 21:00 - France

Today, I went to the osteopath because I've been having knee pain. The verdict: I have arthritis. Last month, my hairdresser told me I was already starting to have white hairs too. I'm celebrating my 16th birthday in two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 523
You deserved it 307

Top comments

ouch, Arthritis at a young age sucks. I found it helps to exercise softly but regular like swimming to stop the joints from aching, massages and having a hot water bottle on the joints, especially in winter helps my mum. White hair is easier to dye for unicorn hair so that is not that bad. That and you can cosplay as so many characters easier! Advanced happy birthday to you too!

Hey OP, my sister had a similar situation. She ended up going to a physical therapist who said there her tendons were too loose or tight (sorry - bad memory) and she had to do some stretches multiple times a day to help. Worked like magic for her!


Sorry yo. Hope that you have a blast at your birthday celebration

ouch, Arthritis at a young age sucks. I found it helps to exercise softly but regular like swimming to stop the joints from aching, massages and having a hot water bottle on the joints, especially in winter helps my mum. White hair is easier to dye for unicorn hair so that is not that bad. That and you can cosplay as so many characters easier! Advanced happy birthday to you too!

Hey OP, my sister had a similar situation. She ended up going to a physical therapist who said there her tendons were too loose or tight (sorry - bad memory) and she had to do some stretches multiple times a day to help. Worked like magic for her!

ferlarari 6

I know how it feels g, I'm 16 coming up on 17 and I already have arthritis in my hands, and major joints including knees and elbows. I already have had 4 surgeries on my back and neck and so I'll probably die early but ayyy that's lit.

You're only as old as you feel, Granny!

urafaguette 3

I felt a granny once. She felt amazing! :-) 5/7, would feel again!

fantastamazing 10

On the plus side, naturally white hair will look pretty cool at your age

I feel you! I've been going to the orthopedist and physical therapy for various joint problems since I was 17. Just had my first surgery at 22. There's the added bonus of everyone telling you "You're too young for that!" Thanks bud. All my problems are solved now, because youve reminded me I'm young.

You might want to check with a specialist to rule out any autoimmune diseases, both the grey hair and the joint problems are common symptoms and if you have one and get treatment you'll feel a lot better

Whitney Allen 4

Found my first white hair when I was 12, you will be ok. Arthritis though that sucks.

Lobby_Bee 17

Teens mature so quickly these days.