By WallabyMom - 26/08/2018 14:00 - United Kingdom - Wolverhampton

Today, I was woken up early because the baby wallaby I am hand-rearing wanted food. She achieved this by peeing all over my pillow, and subsequently in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 180
You deserved it 490

Top comments

This must be the most unique FML in the history of the site. Good on ya for taking care of the little Sheila!

chickensheep 15

What are you doing hand-rearing a wallaby in the UK?


This must be the most unique FML in the history of the site. Good on ya for taking care of the little Sheila!

Hand-raising an animal--especially one that generally is wild is never easy, but it will definitely be a memorable experience and totally worth it.

Do wallaby golden showers cost extra 🤔🤣🤣

chickensheep 15

What are you doing hand-rearing a wallaby in the UK?

Either she's helping to raise it for a zoo, or she wanted a baby via immaculate conception, but God has a twisted sense of humor.