By rukus - 16/06/2009 03:25 - Canada

Today, I was was leaving the library when I noticed an elderly woman being mugged. I was about to leave on my bike, but promptly went to help her. After I managed to scare off the mugger, I helped her to her car. As I was heading back to my bike, I notice the mugger riding off on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 496
You deserved it 42

Top comments


That so sucks. I hate it when nice people have bad things happen to them. Let's hope you get a good break soon for your deed. :)


wait I'm confused what does the cartoon have to do with the prompt? I'm lost but that is ****** up

ok i agree the comic sucked but not the FML

And that "What religion?" joke came from South Park, I believe.

This illustration is bullshit : Keep it simple, keep it to the point dammit!

Vilen1025 0

The cartoon suckkkssss.....

BuffaloX7 0

Man, way to overkill a FML. Really, no doubt this was just an overkill for the illustration, thus leading it to be too long, sucky and, most importantly, unfunny.

Morty_fml 0

I like this illustration, wouldn't say it's hillarious though. :)

Keep to the FML all that other stuff after it was pointless. Did not like the illustration.

idontgiveone 0

The illustration wasnt entirely related to the story. wtf.

whiteycubano3 0

zach wiener is awesome check out maybe you idiots will get it.

we understand the comic but it just isn't funny. it's basically like a family guy joke, except worse.