By look how totally not racist I am! - 11/07/2014 03:32 - United States - Salida

Today, I was stuck on a campus tour with my subtly racist mother who, in an attempt to seem open-minded, deemed it appropriate to refer to our black tour guide as "Sistah". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 092
You deserved it 3 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully people won't assume you're a racist just because your mother is.

Lol the worst part is you look racist by proxy now. just say she's off her meds and hope for the best.


Party foul indeed. As a bi racial woman, I'm inclined to say that what she said wasn't too bad but indeed prejudice. That sucks, especially in public. I've had people assume I couldn't afford something because of the color of my skin. At least your mom didn't go all Anthony Cumia on her. Look it up!

the situation where yoi cannot escape.. your mom needs a push ...sorry OP

My mom refers to Asians as "orientals". It's so embarrassing. I call her out on it constantly but it's so engrained in her vocabulary.

My mom thinks every Asian person is Chinese. My best friend of 13 years is Korean. Despite her sleeping over at my house and just being around my family in general over those 13 years, my mother can't remember that she's Korean. Any time she meets an Asian person who wasn't born in America, she asks them what city of China they came from. No amount of correcting her has yielded any results.

kingdomgirl94 29

My mother in law still calls Native Americans "Indian", which is weird because where we live there are tons of people who are actually from India!

Take the tour guide aside and whisper, "My poor dear old mother is delusional, she believes she lives in a convent..." Seriously, though, FYL, OP, hope it doesn't hurt your chances of getting into that school.

But what if they're secretly sisters from another mister.... And the guide is just trying to be professional.

So she can't say "Sistah", but people of all races, but white, can say "Nigga". Gotta love the irony of that. The more offensive word is allowed in public usage, while the least offensive is only becoming of a racist. Ok, here comes the downvotes. Whatever.

Lol, seriously, you're upset about that? I'm black, and I have a problem with ANYONE calling me "nigga", "******", or anyone of its variants. And it's especially foul (sorry but it's true) when white people complain about not being able to use the word without dirty looks, when whites have been using it since forever (and STILL DO, use it in my experience) to demean blacks. How's that for irony?