By Deathrace - 17/05/2011 13:08 - India

Today, I was on an adult-orientated website when my mother entered the room. I closed the webpage as fast as I could by clicking everywhere. I discovered later that, while panicking, I clicked on “share on Facebook”. FML
I agree, your life sucks 574
You deserved it 406

Top comments

Well, that went from bad to worse fairly quickly.

Idontevenknowwhattoput 4

"Oh my gosh guys I'm so sorry about that! Someone must have hacked my facebook!!! Don't worry though, I changed all of my passwords so it shouldn't happen again. Man, hackers these days..."


Why do they even have those? Who actually wants to share that with their friends and family?

I'm not sure what's worse, sharing **** on facebook accidentally or falling into a crocodile pit.

Instead of "clicking everywhere" to close it, why didn't you hit the red X in the top right corner to close it? Or on a mac the red circle in the top right corner?

Because a mac has the red x on the left...

buttcramp 21

Damn, so many people voted that OP deserved it. This sucks and OP just panicked; it could have happened to anyone. Show a little support lol

See, my friend. You should learn a trick called alt + tab. If you use it, you can make a website go away almost instantly.

Do they seriously have Facebook share buttons on those? Why? If it's some sort of art site that has stuff like that I could see, but if it's a general video site. Who's using that feature? Who asked for that?

Why is that even an option on that sort of website

Own that shit. Declare every Friday from hence forth, Flogging Friday, or Facesitting Friday. Post accordingly.