By Deathrace - 17/05/2011 13:08 - India

Today, I was on an adult-orientated website when my mother entered the room. I closed the webpage as fast as I could by clicking everywhere. I discovered later that, while panicking, I clicked on “share on Facebook”. FML
I agree, your life sucks 574
You deserved it 406

Top comments

Well, that went from bad to worse fairly quickly.

Idontevenknowwhattoput 4

"Oh my gosh guys I'm so sorry about that! Someone must have hacked my facebook!!! Don't worry though, I changed all of my passwords so it shouldn't happen again. Man, hackers these days..."


Why would you need to click on the page itself? Just use the close button lol (X button, home button, etc.)

I've never understood the share button on **** sites. Do they think people should share it on social media? "You know who'd really enjoy this movie about ***** getting DP'd? Grandma."